V1.1 – Mar-11
User’s Manual
Page 7 of 18
Figure 2: Disabling of Microsoft Serial BallPoint
(3) Connect the included active GPS antenna to the Auxiliary Antenna Input of the
EVA1084-A and make sure that the antenna has a good view to the sky! Make
sure this input is activated by setting the ANT_SW DIP to the “ON” position.
(4) To start the GPS Cockpit software which visualizes the NMEA output data coming
from the GPS receiver, copy all files from the included CD ROM “Tools/GPS
Cockpit” to a folder of you choice on your PC. Then double click the GPSC.exe file.
The GPS cockpit software starts without additional software installation.
(5) Now you need to activate the correct port within GPS Cockpit. You can do this by
selecting “COM port connection”. A detailed description of the GPS Cockpit
software is included on the CD ROM. In any case, the following window will ap-
Figure 3: GPS Cockpit communication window - blank
Activate “Terminal 1”, choose the COM port to which the GPS receiver is con-
nected (verify in your system settings - device manager, which communication
port is used for this USB serial connection), in our example COM2 at 4800 baud
(default setting for the EVA1084-A), and click on “OK”:
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