REV – 1.3
[34-2900-0207-4 ]
P a g e
CAL Mode – Routine Calibrations
NOTE: Calibration is the most important function for ensuring correct gas readings at the TXP-WTA Sensor
The CAL MODE (flow chart shown in Figure 5-3) is designed to make calibration quick, easy and error free. A
successful ZERO and SPAN calibration requires only four keystrokes. CAL MODE is always followed by an adjustable
CAL PURGE time period (see Section 8.2.2). CAL PURGE holds the output at a safe value to prevent alarms being
tripped by the upscale span calibration gas.
Follow these TXP-WTA Sensor Transmitter calibration guidelines:
Calibration accuracy is only as good as the calibration gas accuracy. TracXP recommends calibration gases
with NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) traceable accuracy to increase the validity of the
Do NOT use Cal Gas that has been stored for extended periods of time in temperatures outside of the
specifications printed on the label (example: in a hot vehicle). This can reduce the level of H2S in calibration
gas significantly, for example.
Do not use a gas cylinder beyond its expiration date.
Always calibrate a sensor before installation.
After applying gas, allow the reading to stabilize before span calibration. (usually 2 minutes)
Calibrate on a regular schedule. (TracXP recommends once every 3 months, depending on atmospheric
conditions, exposure to target gas, poisons and contaminants.)
Calibrate only in a clean atmosphere, which is free of background gas.
Figure 6-2 – Calibration Gas Input