REV – 1.0
[34-2900-0207-5 ]
P a g e
Main Data Screen
The TXP-C20 Main Data screen shown at left in Figure 2-3 allows each channel to be viewed simultaneously.
Engineering unit values and bar graph values are both displayed in real time. Arrows below the bars indicate alarm
trip point values, making it easy to identify channels at or near alarm. The direction the horizontal 45-degree arrow
side points indicates either a HIGH or LOW trip as illustrated in Figure 2-3 where Ch 1 points right indicating high
level trips and Ch 2 points left indicating low level trips. Left and Right-hand arrows located at the ends of each bar
graph point towards Channel Alarm LED’s on the front panel associated with this reading. The 10-digit ASCII fields
for identifying engineering units and Channel ID for each channel are also shown on the Main Data screen.
Trend Screen
In addition to the Main Data screen described above, the TXP-C20 also provides 30-minute trend screens for each
channel as shown in Figure 2-3. Data screens are selected by the NEXT key.
Blind Mode Screen
The TXP-C20 Blind Mode screen shown at right in Figure 2-3 does not allow viewing of channel engineering unit
values. It only indicates the system’s alarm status and time / date. Some applications require only alarm status be
displayed and prefer monitored values not be shown. A SECURITY menu (see section 2.40) allows locking all
configuration parameters and having only the Blind Mode screen available for viewing.
Power Supply Requirements
TXP-C20 primary power may be either 10-30 VDC or 100-240VAC. AC power requirements are 100-240 VAC 50/60
Hz @ .80-amp max (including inrush) and 40 watts max steady state, applied to TB5 on the motherboard. If AC
power is not available, the primary power may be 10-30 VDC applied to TB1 on the motherboard. A back-up DC
power source may also be connected to TB1 for automatic switchover if the AC power source fails. See Figures 4-1
and 4-2 for wiring information.
The basic TXP-C20 consumes only 1.5 watts of 10-30 VDC power. Optional features such as relays and analog
outputs increase power consumption as described below:
Analog Input PCB option: add wattage for each monitor connected to this board’s 24 VDC terminals.
Discrete Relay PCB option: add 1.5 watt.
4-20mA Output PCB option: add .5 watt.
Bridge Sensor Input PCB option: add wattage of each sensor attached.
With an AC primary power source connected to TB1 on the motherboard, TB3 terminals 1 & 2 on the motherboard
provide a maximum of 12 watts output power for powering of auxiliary external devices such as relays, lights and
monitors (see Figure 4-1). Power consumed from TB3 must be included when calculating system power
IMPORTANT! TB3 only provides 24VDC power when AC is primary power.
24 VDC terminals on the Analog input option (see Figure 4-3) may also be used to power external transmitters and
these loads must be calculated into the overall power budget. These terminals receive power from both the integral
AC / DC power supply and the external TB1 supply as shown in Figure 4-1.