Using the ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder
About the ColdFusion Extensions for Flex
To make some common coding tasks easier, the ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder
include the following:
Eclipse RDS Support plug-in, which lets you access files and data sources on a ColdFusion
ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard, which lets you create master and detail pages in an
application to create, read, update, and delete records in a database.
RDS CRUD wizard, which lets you dynamically create a ColdFusion component (CFC)
based on a table that is registered in the ColdFusion Administrator on a ColdFusion server
ActionScript to CFC wizard, which lets you create a CFC based on an ActionScript class
CFC to ActionScript wizard, which lets you create an ActionScript file based on a CFC
Value Object
Services Browser, which lets you browse CFCs, manage a list of web services, and generate
the CFML code to invoke a web service.
Installing the ColdFusion Extensions for
Flex Builder
Before you install the ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder, you must have the following
products installed:
Flex Builder 2
ColdFusion MX 7.0.2
To install the ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder:
Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.
Select the Search For New Features To Install option, and then click Next.
Click New Archive Site.
Select the ColdFusion_FlexBuilder_Feature.zip file, and then click Open.
The file is located in the Extras folder if you installed ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 using the
default values.
When the Edit Local Site dialog box appears, click OK.
Ensure that the ColdFusion Flex Builder feature is selected, and then click Finish.