The password i
optional and only
required if you like
to limit access to it.
A star mark after
folder name means
that this directory is
password protected
have to enter a
username but if it’s
required for login,
use guest.
ou don’t usually
Remember to
enable the Samba
service on the
Status page when
you plan on using
ng list and click on Password.
the SMB server.
4. To limit access, you can set an optional password.
the folder in the shari
5. Enter a new password for this folder. When the user tries to
access this folder later, this will be the password they need
to type in.
6 In the shari
means that it is password protected.
ng list, the folder will now have a star mark. This
Now that you have set up the folders that you wish to share on
your LAN disk, you can access them from other computers on
your local network.
You can remove the folders from the sharing list at any time
and also rename them if required. When deleting, remember
that this will also remove all the files in that directory!
Page 19 / Chapter 4 - LAN Disk Setup