Make sure you are
connected to the
same network as
your LAN disk.
If you have
assigned a
password for your
shared folder,
please input the
correct user name
and password to
access your files.
If the anonymous
FTP folder is set to
a shared folder with
password access,
the access will be
overwritten and the
folder can be
viewed without
further login.
For FTP access to
your LAN disk from
your client, please
use dedicated FTP
File Access on a Mac
Click on “Go” and choose “Network”. Browse for your LAN disk
“STORAGE-xxxx”, which by default can be found in the
Alternatively, select “Go” and choose “Connect to Server”. Type
smb://STORAGE or the more detailed smb://STORAGE-xxxx,
where the xxxx stands for the last four digits of the LAN disk
Mac address. When you connect to it you will be asked to
choose a folder and after entering the login, you can then
access the LAN disk.
FTP Configuration
When creating or sharing folder(s) we suggest using the
English alphabet for the file names. For other languages,
please remember to change the language under “Status” to
match your encoding.
To add new folders, click on “Add”, name your new folder and
confirm it by clicking on “Add”. After the new folder has been
created, highlight it and click on “Modify” to set up the access
rights and sharing lists according to your requirements.
Remember to click on “Modify” again to confirm and save your
new settings.
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