Making a Recording
The following example of a recording session uses a guitar plugged directly into the XD-2 channel 1
input, and a microphone plugged into the channel 2 input, to record audio tracks in the Tracktion soft-
ware. We will also record some MIDI data that will trigger a softsynth within Tracktion.
Before starting, make sure you have correctly installed the XD-2 and Tracktion software.
1. Connect your equipment using the diagram on the previous page as a guide.
2. On the XD-2 front panel, set the GAIN, MONITOR and PHONES knobs to minimum, and the MIX
knob to DIR (direct). Press the 48V button if your microphone needs phantom power. Press the
INSTRUMENT button on Channel 1 if you are not using a guitar preamp or direct box.
3. On your computer, open the XD-2 software and click the “Overview” button.
You should see input and output meters, along with slide faders and a bunch of other cool stuff.
Make sure the USB and SPDIF buttons are not illuminated.
4. Play the guitar and gently turn up the front panel Ch.1 GAIN knob. You should see the XD-2 front
panel LEDs dance with happiness.
5. The Overview screen's input meters should dance as well. This means you have signals coming
into your computer. Make sure the OL LED does not light; turn down the GAIN knob if it does. If
the meters do not show any signals present, check your connections to the XD-2.
XD-2 Software Overview Screen