ainting the speaker
The C-range cabinets are made of MDF coated with Mach Safecoat and can be painted easily to match the color
scheme of your venue.
To paint your speaker please follow the procedure below:
1. Remove front grill
2. Degrease the cabinet on all surfaces with denatured alcohol/methylated spirit.
Warning: Use of other types of cleaning chemicals can damage the cabinet and should be avoided.
Mask all areas that should remain unpainted (tweeter, woofer, switch, terminals, reflex port etc)
4. Paint the speaker with Etching primer 2K, P565-713, chromate-free, or a similar product.
5. Let the primer dry.
6. Apply paint in thin layers using a paint spraying device.
7. When spraying the grill be very careful not to fill any holes, as this will have a serious impact on sound
8. Let the paint dry.
9. Remove masking.
10. Put the grill back in place.