To induce a full stall, apply full brake on both sides. The glider slows down steadily until
it stalls completely. The canopy suddenly surges backwards a long way. In spite of this
uncomfortable reaction of the canopy, both brake lines must be consequently held down
with all your strength until the canopy is stabilized (directly overhead). This usually takes
3-6 seconds. The Muse 4 generally flies backwards during a full stall but doesn’t always
form a front rosette. A frontal rosette can be formed by entering the full stall slowly.
When entering (braking) fast, the canopy will not always form the desired front rosette.
Attention! Always apply both brakes evenly!
To recover from a full stall, smoothly release both brakes simultaneously until 90% of
leading edge reopens, then release brakes rapidly. The glider ends the full stall on its
own without surging forward.
WARNING!! If the brakes are released rapidly and asymmetrically, the glider may surge
forward and suffer an extensive asymmetric collapse.The danger of overcorrecting and
overreacting exists during all extreme flight maneuvers. Thus, any corrective action
must be gentle and steady and done with feel!
Spin (or negative spin):
Pulling brake on one side too fast or too hard can result in a negative spin. During a spin
the canopy turns relatively fast around the center section of the canopy while the inner
wing flies backwards (hence the term negative).
There are two usual reasons for an unintentional spin:
One brake line is being pulled down too far and too fast (e.g. when inducing a spiral
When flying at low speed one side is being braked too hard (e.g. when thermaling).
To recover from an unintentional spin, the pulled down brake line should be immediately
released as soon as a spin is suspected. The canopy will accelerate and return to its
normal straight and stable flying position, without losing too much height. If the spin is
allowed to develop for some time, the glider surges a long way forward on one side and
a dynamic asymmetric collapse or a line-over can occur. Gently apply the brakes to
avoid side or central collapse of the canopy and the possibility of a cravat (one of the
tips becoming entangled in the lines). See part collapses.
WARNING!! If you are LOW and are in an unintentional spin, or if the canopy is caught
in a cravat USE YOUR RESERVE.
To induce a wingover the pilot flies consecutive alternating turns to gradually steepen
the angle of bank. During wingovers with a high bank angle, the outside wing begins to
unload. Further increase of the angle of bank must be avoided, because any possible
resulting collapse may be quite dynamic!