washing tips
• The maximum capacity during washing and spinning cycles refers
to the maximum weight of standard dry clothes that can be
washed or spined at the same time. The load size during any wash-
ing cycle should be lower than the rated capacity.
• Thickness, size, and the type of items to be washed will affect the
actual washing capacity. Load a reasonable amount of items so
they can freely move inside the washing tub.
• To avoid splashing, do not select the MAXIMUM water level for
small loads.
• Do not use high sudsing detergent.
before washing a load
• Check to see if the items to be washed have special washing re-
• Place hard to absorb water items into the tub submerging them
with your hands.
• Empty out pockets. Take out any coins, sand, hair-
pins, etc.
• Check to see if the items are appropriate for use
with the washing.
• Do not overload the washer. Stretch and loosen items before add-
ing them into the washing tub.
• Tie any long strips; fasten buttons and zippers.
• For items prone to form lint balls and/or fur items,
turn them inside out before adding them into the
• Do not wash items polluted by chemical substances.
• For heavily soiled items, remove dirt such as mud or dust and apply
detergent before loading them into the machine. This will help to
remove the stains more easily.
• Sort non-colorfast items from other items.
• When the pulsator is running, you may hear noise caused by but-
tons on the clothes. To minimize this noise, surround items with
buttons with other clothes.