Service Letter / Lettre Technique
Technical Resources / Ressources Techniques
Warranty: Parts and Labour covered if service performed within one year of the product's purchase date.
Garantie: Les pièces et la main-d'oeuvre seront couvertes si le service est effectué durant la première année suivant la date
d'achat du produit.
Confidential and proprietary information – not for public disclosure.
Renseignements exclusifs et confidentiels - divulgation interdite.
Subject: Front load washer has poor spin and vibration issues
Models: GBVH5140H, GBVH5200J, GBVH5200K,
GBVH5300K, GBVH6260F, GCVH6260F, GCVH6260H,
GCVH6400J, GCVH6500K, GCVH6600H, GCVH6800J,
GFAN1000L, GFAN1100L
Front load washers are more efficient using just 13 gallons of water versus 35 gallons for a typical top load
machine. Front load machines use less energy. Front load machines also cause less wear on clothes.
However, occasionally, front load washer consumers may comment on longer wash times, increased washer
vibration or movement, clothes coming out wet, or the washer paused and theconsumer had to restart it.
Many times, these issues are the result of improper wash loads, wrong detergent usage, too much detergent
used, an improperly installed front load washer, or weak home flooring.
Be sure to first take the time to listen carefully and fully understand the consumer’s specific issue before
proceeding. Address the appropriate issue today to avoid a return service call.
Increased vibration
Slow speed spin issue (less than 120 RPM only)
i. Adjust out-of-balance load. At very low RPM, significantly out-of-balance loads can cause severe
ii. Wash similar fabrics together ensuring you have a mixture of large and small items to reduce vibration.
b. Medium to high speed spin issue (greater than 120 RPM only)
Check for faulty installation and correct any Error Codes.
2. Clothes coming out soaking wet
a. Frequently:
i. Check for faulty installation and correct any Error Codes.
ii. Check for air leak in pressure switch hose. An air leak can cause too high water fill, failure to pump
out all the water, or unbalanced loads due to excess water weight. If faulty in T06 test, the water may
not stop filling at “Foam” level when
is displayed. Run entire T06 test to confirm.
iii. Check for leaking water valve; Error Code E23.
iv. Check for drain hose siphoning.
v. Check for clogged pump filter or drain. The washer will run with up to nearly 50% blockage.
b. Occasionally:
Adjust out of balance load. It is best to wash similar fabrics in reasonable amounts for best results.