m2m Germany GmbH | Am Kappengraben 18-20 | 61273 Wehrheim | 06081 5873860
Update the sensor with LoRaTool:
During the update, do not move the smartphone untill the end message.
3 I/O
As default, the device sends a message every time an input or an output changes.
A downlink with new output status forces the device to send back an unplink with the new status. If the output status is the same of current one, the sensor will not
send back any message.
Downlink examples (hex):
turn ON the output:
turn off the output:
receive the current status: 0400 0000 0000 0000 0000
Is possible to set a period (in minutes) to receive a recurrent periodic message with the I/O status.
3.1 Input
Off voltage
0÷2Vac 50/60Hz
On Voltage
0400 0
00 0000 0000 0000
0400 0000 0000 0
00 0000
> 8Vac 50/60Hz