User guide for Shower/Commode chair M2 El-Tip with Joystick.
Intented for use a bathing, showering and toilet visit.
Charging the battery
With the one hand, you grab around the
charging plug (Socket) on the chair and with
the other hand you pull out the connecting
cable for the battery.
Charging the battery
With the one hand, you grab around the charging
plug (Socket) on the chair and with the other
hand, you push the plug from the transformer in
1. Plug for battery
2. Cable for battery
3. Cable for remote control
Cable for actuator (“engine”)
Use of joystick
The chair is easily controlled by pushing the
joystick in the direction you want to drive.
Placing the joystick
The joystick can be placed at the front so the user
can control it or at the back so the helper can
control is. You fasten it to the chair by tightening
the finger screw.
Continued on page 6