5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN
Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: [email protected]
EM-9019 Rev.1 P. 7 / 10
Coil (0X)
1 to 2048
Discrete Output
Input (1X)
1 to 2048
Discrete Input
2049 to 2064
Module Status (R30 series)
2065 to 2080
Module Status (R3 series)
2081 to 2096
Error Status (R30 series)
2097 to 2112
Error Status (R3 series)
2113 to 2128
Data Error Status (R30 series)
2129 to 2144
Data Error Status (R3 series)
Input Register (3X)
1 to 512
Analog Input
Holding Register (4X)
1 to 512
Analog Output
I: Integer; 0 to 10000 (0 to 100%)
Note: DO NOT access addresses other than mentioned above.
Accessing such an address may result in problem such as malfunction of the unit.
1) Module Status indicates whether or not an I/O module is mounted on each slot.
The bit corresponding to the mounted slot turns to ‘1’, and the unmounted slot to ‘0’.
2) Error Status indicates occurrence of an error of each module as described below.
The bit corresponding to the module having an error turns to ‘1’.
- R3-TSx, R3x-RSx, R3-US4 (input type: T/C or RTD): Input burnout
- R3x-DA16A: Power input error or disconnection
- R3x-YS4: Output disconnection
- R3-PC16A: External power supply in error or disconnected
3) Data Error Status indicates occurrence of an error of each module as described below.
The bit corresponding to the module having an error turns to ‘1’.
- Analog input modules transmitting 0 to 100% scaling value: Input overrange (≤ -15% or ≥ 115%)
- R30YS4: Output disconnection
- R30TS4, R30RS4, R30USx (input type: T/C or RTD): Input burnout
- R3-TSx, R3x-RSx, R3-US4 (input type: T/C or RTD): Input burnout
- R3-US4 (input type: voltage): Input overrange (≤ -10% or ≥ 110%)