Setting Up
(see "Typical Set-Up" diagram)
When setting up, you should first decide if you are going to need
mic inputs. If you are going to be using mics you need to set the
Line Gain dip switch of the channel you will be using (1 or 2) to
High. If you are going to use one of these channels as a mic in
and the other as a line level in make sure the Line Gain dip
switches on the back of the unit are set accordingly.
IMPORTANT: Because channel 1 and 2 are high gain inputs,
we suggest that if you are not using either of these channels
make sure the unused channel’s gain control is turned all the
way down.
Make sure that the line level instruments that are connected to
inputs 1 through 8 are set to their maximum volume, and control
the mix level from the miXim 10 channel gain pots. Levels of
instruments connected to the unity gain 9 and 10 inputs will have
to be controlled from the individual instruments. If you have a
MIDI volume controllable instrument, you can plug its stereo out-
put into the 9 and 10 inputs and make level adjustments with
your sequencer or MIDI mixing controller.
You will also need to decide how to assign effects and sends. If
you are using miXim 10 for live performance, you may want to
use the send and the stereo return to add stereo effects to your
mix. If you are not using the send to add effects you may use it as
a mono monitor mix. You may also use the headphone out as a
monitor mix. However, it is a stereo output and it doesn't have an
independent volume control.
Setting Up the Outputs
If you are using the miXim 10 in live performance, you will prob-
ably want to connect the Left and Right Outs to the input(s) of a
power amplifier. If you are using miXim 10 in a studio applica-
tion, you will probably plug one output (for mono) or both out-
puts (for stereo) into one input (for mono) or two inputs (for
stereo) on your mixing board.