1 . 2 WH e R e to Ride
Always pay attention to the local applicable legislation about the use of the LYRIC on public roads and
in public places. If you are uncertain regarding your local legislation, contact your local authorities or
your LYRIC dealer (find dealer contacts on our homepage) for information.
PRivate PRoPeRty
To ride the LYRIC on private property, always obtain permission from the owner to do so.
Typically bicycle lanes and side roads with low traffic (if allowed) are suitable for riding the LYRIC.
Run3R models
The RUN3R is only to be used on paved roads and places with an even surface, such as asphalt,
concrete, sports field pavement, etc.
otHeR models
The off road versions can be used on streets and on dirt roads which are in good condition for driving,
and on lawns, or beaches with compact sand.
unsafe Conditions
Do not ride when road and weather conditions prohibit safe use.
Never ride on snow, ice or greasy surfaces (i.e. oil), in heavy rainfall or with poor visibility (i.e. fog).
Wet and icy weather impairs traction, braking, and visibility.
Do not use the LYRIC in water or drive through standing water under any circumstances.
Do not ride on stairs, escalators or through revolving doors.
Do not ride off curbs.
1 . 3 PRoteC tive g e aR
Always inform yourself about local regulations regarding the use and wearing of protective gear
on public roads and areas where you are riding. In some countries/states, it is mandatory to wear
a helmet at all times.
lyRiC ReCommends
Helmets with chin protection, which must be DOT or SNELL certified
Good, sturdy footwear—No heels, open-backed shoes, or flip-flop type sandals
Arm, elbow, knee and shin guards, as well as chest protection
1 . 4 PRoteC tive m e asu R e s
For maximum safety when riding the LYRIC, it is extremely important to take certain protective measures:
Never use the throttle unless you are standing with both feet on the LYRIC platform and are fully ready to ride.
tuRning ComPonents
Turning wheels are a high risk for injury. Hands, feet, body parts and clothes should under no
circumstances be close to turning wheels. To prevent injury, never touch any moving or turning parts.
CollaPsible fRame
Special precaution must be used with the collapsible frame, especially when folding up the folding stem
into the riding position, as well as when folding out the platform for the riding position. You risk
injuring fingers, hands or other parts of your body.