LYNX Pro Audio S.L. -
Valencia, Spain -
www.lynxproaudio.com [email protected]
Lynx products are guaranteed against every kind of manufacturing fault 2 year after the date of sale. When
products are under guarantee, the repairing and the free supplying of the device parts in order to correct any kind
of defect are guaranteed by Lynx Pro Audio S.L. In the case that the product could not be returned to the factory
for checking and repairing, Lynx Pro Audio S.L. would supply all the necessary parts.
Lynx Pro Audio S.L. is not responsible for any damage or defect caused during the transport or caused by an
undue or improper handling y a non-authorized person during the life of this guarantee.
All our products undergo rigorous tests and quality controls. We guarantee the characteristics described here within
and their quality against any fabrication defect.
The user loses all warranty rights if he incorporates or carries out any modification to the product, if he uses it outside
of the stated safe working loads or does not secure the system properly using all the pins in their corresponding
For any question regarding the product, the user must quote the model and serial number.