2.1 Location of components
Control Unit – Location
In choosing a suitable location you should bear in mind:
The user needs to reach the Control Unit or Remote Key Reader easily within the
allocated time, when entering and leaving the premises.
The Control Unit should not be visible from the exterior of the protected premises.
All detectors and the bellbox must be wired to the Control Unit.
Having chosen the location do not mount at this stage
Movement/Passive Infra Red Detector (PIR) – Location
The detector should not be mounted near to large metal objects or on metal surfaces. It
needs to be mounted on a wall or in a corner at a height of approximately 2 to 2.5meters
for the best general coverage in an average room. The detector has been designed to avoid
false alarms, nevertheless, it is best to avoid looking directly at sources of heat such as
fires and boilers, and always try to keep away from a window. A PIR can look at a
radiator but should not be sited above one.
Do not site a PIR where its field of view may be obstructed (e.g. by curtains). Also note
that PIRs work best when sensing movement across rather than along their detection
beams. You need to consider the need to wire these units back to the Control Unit.
Detection Area of PIR
Having chosen the location do not mount at this stage.