and Configuration
Version 1.41, June 2017
Page 50 of 69
The external Flarm/Power Flarm device can be connected to the main display unit with a
On the main display unit side LX5FLARM is connected to a 5 pin rounded connector. On the
other end of the LX5FLARM cable is a 6 pin standard IGC RJ12 plug connector which is
plugged into the Flarm/Power Flarm port.
In case of a SIMPLE version, the Flarm device should be connected to the GPS port.
The external Flarm display can be connected either directly to the Flarm port on the
LX80/90xx system (new HW versions of the LX systems) or through the splitter which is
connected to the External Flarm device.
Using an improper type of cable may harm your display unit or Flarm/Power Flarm
For connection to a Power Flarm a special cable LX5PF is available with a RJ45
connector on the Flarm side.
ADSB Receiver
It is possible to connect an ADSB-receiver TRX-1090 from Garrecht Avionics
) to a system with a built-in Flarm unit..
The TRX-1090 can only be connected to a system with the integrated Flarm
The TRX-1090 has been developed to upgrade the FLARM collision avoidance system which
is installed in more than 13,000 aircraft worldwide. The unit is connected between the
FLARM device and a FLARM compatible external display unit and will simultaneously show
FLARM targets and Mode-S transponder equipped aircraft with ADS-B output capability. The
presence of transponder-equipped aircraft not broadcasting ADS-B output will be detected
and displayed on the connected display as a non-directional target. The TRX-1090 comes
with a high-sensitivity low-distortion receiver unit and a highly complex and powerful signal