Connecting a Tethered Scanner
Connecting a Tethered Scanner
Do not connect a tethered scanner cable to a USB-C or USB-H labeled endcap port. The USB ports cannot power a tethered
scanner. The tethered scanner draws power from the VX3X.
The VX3X Scan buttons have no effect on tethered barcode scanners (connected to a serial port). Tethered scanners read
barcode scans only when the trigger on the tethered scanner is pressed. The tethered scanner requires power on pin 9 of the
VX3X’s serial port. To set the VX3X to use a tethered scanner, select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | COM1 (or 2 or
3). Tap the “Power on Pin 9 (+5V)” checkbox for the COM port selected. The COM port that accepts the scanner data can be
configured for data rate, parity, stop bits and data bits.
Attach Stylus Tether and Sleeve
The stylus kit includes the stylus, tether and sleeves. The tether allows the stylus to be mounted to the VX3X and the sleeve
provides storage for the stylus when not in use.
Determine a convenient location for the stylus sleeve.
Carefully remove the paper backing from the Stylus Clip sticky. Firmly press the sticky side of the clip onto the VX3X and hold
it in place for 15 seconds. Thread the tether through the end of the stylus and tie the ends firmly to the Stylus Clip so that the
ends don’t interfere with placing the stylus in the Stylus Clip. Place the stylus in the Stylus Clip when not in use. An extra or
replacement stylus can be ordered from LXE.
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