LX Era
Taking care of your Era
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RJ connectors
RJ connectors (RJ12 and RJ45) on the back of the Era are used for connecting external
devices. If the cable is pulled out, without pressing the plastic security pin, the internals of the
Era’s connector may break and get ripped out. One should always be careful when taking the
cable out, to press the security pin completely.
MicroSD card reader
The Era features a microSD card reader on the front of the device. The microSD should always
be inserted carefully, not to miss the internal microSD card reader electronics.
Reverse polarity on power
Although the Era has diodes protecting it from reverse polarity on the main power lines,
one should note the RJ connectors are not protected and internal electronics could still get
damaged, if a power supply is connected to the wrong pins on the RJ connectors. Similarly, the
Era can damage external devices, if a wrong cable is used for connection, as the Era provides
a 12VDC power supply to the CAN, Flarm and User ports.
Device manual