LX Era
Taking care of your Era
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Draining the battery completely will cause the Era to lose its IGC seal. If this
happens, the pilot will be prompted by a red warnings stating ’Seal not valid!’,
when powering up the device. All flights recorded without a valid seal will not be
IGC valid, meaning they can not be used for badge flights, record flights,
competition flights and webpages like OLC will not calculate them into your
cumulative score. If this happens, contact LX support as soon as possible.
Pressure sensors
The Era incorporates a variety of delicate pressure sensors. Since these are zero-flux sensors
(there is no airflow through the sensors, only pressure differences), no air filters are required.
Static pressure sensors
have an operating range of 0 to 1200 mbar, with a high resolution of
20cm of altitude. Any overpressure could damage the static pressure sensor permanently,
which is why great caution should be exercised when setting up and testing the pitot-static
system. If the total pressure were to be connected to the static port, and a pilot was to check
the IAS reading by blowing into the pitot tube, damage could easily occur.
The differential pressure sensor
has an operating speed of up to 325 km/h (50hPa). Flying
over this speed, or applying the equivalent pressure, may damage the sensor permanently.
Leaving the glider canopy open in the sun is known to have a magnifying glass effect, concen-
trating the sun rays to a smaller area. This can damage the internals of your cockpit, as well
as the display of the Era. Applying excessive heat will make the coating of the display start to
become yellow and bubble (best case scenario), or destroy the device completely.
This is why it is prudent to always have your canopy, or your instrument panel, covered from
direct sunlight.
Device housing
By FAI IGC rules, visible external damages to the housing of the Era can void your competition,
record or badge flight, from being processed as valid. Care should be taken not to damage the
housing and the ’Data not valid if seal is broken’ stickers not to be torn up.
Device manual