MagniLink S PREMIUM 2 -
User Manual 7945909c | MagniLink S PREMIUM 2 -
Add note
Add note and open Notepad. (Shift + 5 adds note but
does not open Notepad)
Up arrow
Increase magnification
Down arrow
Decrease magnification
Autofocus Off/On
Shift + Up arrow
Reduce focus distance
Shift + Down arrow
Increase focus distance
Right arrow
Increase brightness/contrast
Left arrow
Reduce brightness/contrast
Ctrl + left arrow
Reference line left/up
Ctrl + right arrow
Reference line right/down
Ctrl + 7
Increase lamp brightness
Ctrl + 6
Reduce lamp brightness
Ctrl + P
Take “snapshot”
Press Ctrl + P to open the “Save file” dialog box. A file
name (today’s date and time) and folder are
automatically suggested. Just press Enter to save the
picture. If you want to save the picture somewhere else,
or with another name, you can change this manually.
Ctrl + M
Start/stop video recording
Press Ctrl + M to start video recording. Before
recording, a dialog box appears with the suggested file
name (today’s date and time) and folder. Just press
Enter to start video recording. If you want to save the
video recording somewhere else, or with a another
name, you can change this manually. Stop the
recording by pressing Ctrl + M.
Ctrl + R
Rotate camera image clockwise
Every time this key combination is pressed, the camera
image will rotate 90° clockwise (90°, 180°, 270° and 0°).
Ctrl + Shift + R
Rotate camera image anticlockwise
Every time this key combination is pressed, the camera
image will rotate 90° anticlockwise (270°, 180°, 90° and