User Guide
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The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Port Config
Port Select:
Click the
button to quick-select the corresponding Port.
Select the desired Port(s) for STP configuration.
Displays the Port number of the Switch.
Enable /Disable STP function for the desired Port.
Enter a value from 0-240 that must be divisible by 16. Port priority is an
important criterion in determining if the Port connected will be chosen as the
Root Port. The lower the value the higher the priority.
ExtPath Cost is used to choose the path and calculate the path costs of Ports in
different MST Regions. It is an important criterion in determining the Root Port.
The lower the value the higher the priority.
IntPath Cost is used to choose the path and calculate the path costs of Ports in
the same MST Region. It is an important criterion in determining the Root Port.
The lower the value the higher the priority.
Edge Port:
Enable/Disable Edge Port. Edge Ports can change states from blocking to
forwarding rapidly without waiting for the Forward Delay.
P2P Link:
P2P Link status. If the two Ports in the P2P link are Root Ports or Designated Ports,
they can change their states to Forwarding rapidly to reduce any unnecessary
Forward Delay.
Enable to perform MCheck operations on the Port. Unchange means no MCheck
operations will take place.
STP Version: Displays the STP version of the Port.
Port Role:
Displays the role of the Port plays in the STP Instance.
Root Port: Indicates the Port that has the lowest path cost from this bridge to
the Root Bridge and forwards packets to the root.
Designated Port: Indicates the Port forwards packets to a downstream
Network segment or Switch.
Master Port: Indicates the Port connects an MST region to the Common Root.
The path from the master Port to the Common Root is the shortest path
between this MST region and the Common Root.
Alternate Port: Indicates the Port that may become a Backup Port of a Root or
Master Port.
Backup Port: Indicates the Port is the Backup Port of a Designated Port.
Disabled: Indicates the Port is not participating in the STP.