Step 4 –
Channel Scan
You will see this screen showing that your
DTR is now searching for all available
in the event that your DTR does not find
any channels, or has missed some, see the
section on what to do if your installation
fails, on page 10.
when your DTR has successfully found all channels, your DTR will search for
and install the extended 14 day programme guide software. please note
that when you start to use the extended guide after installation, that this
may take up to 24 hours to fully populate.
Step 5 –
parental Control
You will now be prompted to set up
the parental Control piN for your DTR.
for Top Up TV subscribers, this controls
who will have access to the extra
programmes, which are downloaded
automatically to your DTR every night.
The parental Control piN will not
control or restrict access to freeview
programmes (your default piN is 0000.)
if children have access to your DTR, it is advisable to select the maximum
appropriate viewing certification now, in order to restrict access. e.g. by
selecting 12, you will restrict access to programmes rated 15 or higher.
once you have completed this step, press on your remote.
for more parental control options please refer to page 28.