Rev. B 102019
NOTE: To maintaine the performance of the shower panel. It is recommended to clean the thermostatic valve at least
once a year. More frequent cleaning is needed if water has high mineral content.
NOTE: Proper pressure must be maintained for the thermostatic valve to work properly. Make sure water pressue is about
the same on both hot and cold water side.
1. Water is Either Only Hot or Only Cold
Solution: If the newly installed shower panel fails to regulate temperature, the fi rst step is to check the water supply hoses.
The thermostatic valve will not work if the hoses are installed backward. Contrary to common plumbing belief, it does
matter which side they are installed, as the valve has a hot side and a cold side. If the hoses were installed in reverse,
you should simply switch the hoses back. Also check for dirt or sediments in the check valves. Sometimes dirt can
inadvertently lodge in the check valve making it not to open therefore cutting off water fl ow to the unit. The check valves
can be cleaned by cotton swabs. Make sure the check valves are free of dirt and operate as normal.
4. Low Water Flow / Pressure
Solution: Any restrictions in the water supply hoses will greatly reduce the performance of the shower panel. The fi rst step
is to make sure both shut-off valves are fully open. Secondly, check the water supply hoses for kinks. Due to limited space
behind the shower panel, the hoses can get kinked very easily. Make sure the hoses are free of kinks when hanging the
shower panel on the wall. Lastly, make sure both check valves are working properly. A malfunctioned check valve can
also cause low water fl ow to the thermostatic valve. The check valve should open when the center is pushed with tip of
a pen or a cotton swab. The check valve should close automatically when no external pressure is applied to the center
part of the valve. The shower panel is also equipped with removable fl ow restriction devices in accordance with the water
conservation regulations. The devices can be removed to test the functionality of the shower panel if needed.
2. Failure to Mix Hot and Cold water
Solution: The fi rst thing to check is the water pressure at both inlets. The water pressure should be equal for both hot
and cold water side. The thermostatic valve will not work properly if there is a lack of water pressure due clog, damaged
shutoff valve, or damaged check valve. The pressure issue will needs to be resolved before the valve can operate
properly. Unbalanced water pressure will make it harder to achieve desired water temperature. The water will be either too
hot or too cold.
3. Water Temperature is Either Too Hot or Too Cold
Solution: If proper water pressure is maintained but the panel is not able to maintain desired water temperature. The
thermostatic valve may also needs to be recalibrated. Please follow the calibration instruction in this installation guide.