9-3 Replacement of Fuse
Caution :
When make the replacement,
should change the right spec
a. Fuse A -
Rating :600 mA, Size : 5 mm dia. x 20 mm
To be protected the circuit from overload current at
" 600 uA, 6000 uA, 60 mA, 600 mA " range.
b. Fuse B -
Rating : 10 A, Size : 5.2 mm dia. x 20 mm
To be protected the circuit from overload current at
" 10 A " range.
When the uA, mA current range can not operation,
please check if the Fuse A is broken or not:
When the 10 A current range can not operation,
please check if the Fuse B is broken or not:
When replace the fuse should take the test leads from the
measuring circuit and power off the meter.
Take the screws away from the down case, loose the
housing case, the fuses are install on the fuse socket on
the PCB.
For safety consideration, when replace the fuse according
the spec. ( should use the approval fuse ) and reinstall the
Make sure the housing case is secured with the screw
after replace the fuse.