9.3 Mobile acces via iPhone, HTC oder Android
Enter your mobile app market place (App Store, Android Market, etc.). Search for the App iWatch DVR
and download it. It’s free!
When installation has been completed, please open the app and klick top right to add a new device to
your DVR list.
In the following window, please add all relevant information:
- Please enter a Name for the new recorder. You can enter any name
you want. This has no relevance for the connection.
- Please enter an IP address (e.g. 123.456.789.0) or hostname (e.g.
- Please enter a Port (default port is set to 80)
- Please enter a username (default is admin
- Please enter a password (default is 123456)
Klick „Save“ to keep your changes. You’ll now see your added recorder
on the list. If you tap on it, a connection will be established. If you tap on „>“, you can change your
The app opens with a single window that is set to channel one.
Here’s how you control your app:
Swipe left and right to switch to another channel
Pinch your fingers to the middle to switch from one channel to 4-channel splitscreen mode.
When in splitscreen mode, double tap on a channel to switch this channel to fullscreen.
If you have a PTZ camera connected to your DVR and would like to control the camera, please
switch the PTZ camera to full screen. Tap on the screen and tap on the PTZ camera icon. Swipe in
the direction to which you want the camera to pan or tilt. Pinch out to zoom the camera in, pinch in to
zoom the camera out.