4.7 Profi le Manager
The profi le manager allows the user to easily save / recall / export or
import a confi guration.
A profi le will contain the following parameters:
Device settings
Port settings
RLinkX settings
Group settings
PoE settings
This way the user can create a comprehensive confi guration for a
switch, save it as a profi le, and recall it later when needed.
A maximum of ten profi les can be saved on a GigaCore switch.
The switch also off ers to export or import a profi le through a comput-
er, providing the user with an easy way to exchange profi les between
From one switch, the user can select a profi le to export to a computer.
Then, from the same computer, the user will be able to load this profi le
into an empty slot on another switch.
Exchanging profi les between switches can be a time saving process.
The user may start with one base confi guration and export it to the
other switches for minor changes. These newly created profi les will
then be saved locally.
4.7.1 Saving a Profi le:
If you wish to save the actual confi guration of your switch, fi rst select
an empty slot amongst the 10 available slots. Press the
button. A
small window will pop-up to enter the name of the profi le.
Click on
. Your profi le is now saved in the switch.
It is good practice to always create a
default confi guration
your switch!