Before sanding a fault report
If the clock does not work satisfactorily; please check directions below prior to sending a fault report.
The time display
The clock’s settings are unreliable or the clock’s settings were chan-
ged. Try to set up the clock.
Temperature and humidity
are not displayed.
Check the clock’s configuration and change the contents of register
00 if needed.
If the configuration is proper, check the connection to the transdu-
cer. In case of transmission faults the clock displays the time instead
of the temperature and humidity.
The clock displays false time
and date
Set the time of the clock again. The clock can loose the current time
and date due to longer power cut’s. Other settings are saved.
The clock displays the time
for longer than the date.
Check the clock configuration and register 00 contents. The clock
is set to read the P8 converter’s data, and the converter is discon-
nected or works improperly.
Lack of the communication
with the clock
Check if connections are proper and whether the transmission para-
meters settings conform to the clock’s settings.
11. Maintenance and service
DLZ clocks do not need periodical maintenance. For cleaning the clock do not use any dissolvent’s,
petrols or aggressive chemicals which could damage the clock’s painted surfaces or front glass.
Most suitable for cleaning are antistatic cleaning foams. Do not moisten the inside of the clock while