IMPAC pyrometers series IN 5 plus
Reference numbers accessories
3 820 330
Connection cable, length 5 m (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 820 500
Connection cable, length 10 m (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 820 510
Connection cable, length 15 m (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 820 810
Connection cable, length 20 m (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 820 820
Connection cable, length 25 m (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 820 520
Connection cable, length 30 m (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 820 320
Special connection cable with angled connector and additional laser targeting light push but-
ton, length 5 m
3 820 740
Connection cable, length 5 m, temperature resistant up to 200°C (straight connector, 12 pin)
3 852 290
Power supply for DIN rail mounting NG DC (100 to 240 V AC
24 V DC, 1 A)
3 890 640
DA 4000-N: LED digital display for switchboard assembling
3 890 650
DA 4000: as DA 4000-N, additionally with 2 limit switches
3 890 560
DA 6000-N: LED digital display with digital input RS232 and
possibility for pyrometer parameter settings
3 890 570
DA 6000-N RS485
3 890 520
DA 6000: LED digital display, digital- and analog input, 2 limit switches,
maximum value storage, analog output, RS232
3 890 530
DA 6000 with RS485
3 826 500
HT 6000: portable battery driven indicator and instrument for pyrometer parameter settings;
RS232 / RS485
3 826 510
PI 6000: PID programmable controller, very fast, for digital IMPAC pyrometers
3 852 430
-7520; RS 485
RS 232 (half duplex)
3 852 440
Protocol converter RS485/RS232 (switchable)
Profibus-DP for 1 instrument
3 852 460
Protocol converter RS485
Profibus-DP for 32 instruments
3 834 210
Adjustable mounting support
3 835 160
Air purge unit
3 835 440
Air purge unit, stainless steel
3 837 230
Water cooling jacket (heavy design) with integrated air purge unit
3 837 340
Water cooling jacket (heavy design) with CaF
window for IN 5/5 plus and IN 5/4 plus
3 837 350
Water cooling jacket (heavy design) with ZnSe window for IN 5 plus, IN 5-H plus, IN 5-L plus
3 837 370
Water cooling jacket (lightweight design) with integrated air purge unit
3 837 390
Water cooling jacket (lightweight design) with CaF
window for IN 5/5 plus and IN 5/4 plus
3 837 400
Water cooling jacket (lightweight design) with ZnSe window for IN 5 plus, IN 5-H plus, IN 5-L plus
3 846 100
Mounting tube
3 846 120
Flange tube
3 846 620
Vacuum flange KF16 with Calcium Fluoride window (CaF
) for IN 5/5 plus and IN 5/4 plus
3 846 630
Vacuum flange KF16 mit Zinc Selenide window (ZnSe) for IN 5 plus, IN 5-H plus, IN 5-L plus
3 846 650
Spare window CaF
, Ø 25 x 3 with Viton-O-ring
3 846 660
Spare window ZnSe, Ø 25 x 3 with Viton-O-ring
3 843 500
SCA 5, scanning attachment with CaF
window; 24 V AC/DC (for IN 5/5 plus and IN 5/4 plus)
3 835 290
Air purge unit for scanning attachment SCA 5
Flange System:
3 846 260
Instrument's support
3 846 600
Support with CaF
window (for IN 5/5 plus and IN 5/4 plus)
3 846 610
Support with ZnSe window (for IN 5 plus, IN 5-H plus, IN 5-L plus)
3 846 240
Tube support with air purge nozzle
3 846 750
Window slide, without window