Operating Manual CHM 8k
R1.7 / 01-2020
7. New Linux operating system (OS 18.04.1)
Requires FPGA-Version 4.17 and hardware version REV V02
1. Universal RS485 address 99 introduced
2. Escalated status codes in telegrams 1 and 5
3. Output of status information after device restart
4. Seven additional comment memories for customer use Output
in telegram 4 (Note: variable length)
5. Visibility determination based on data from current logging
6. Time averaging for the cloud detection algorithm from above
3,050 m only
7. MIME type for downloading various settings files (chm*, afd*,
telegram) corrected
8. Calibration constant set to 3.2e-12 (Note: The measurement
data beta_att in NetCDF is approx. 4.44 times greater than in
version 0.753)
9. ApdControlMode 2 introduced (automatic selection of a
detector voltage dependent on the detector breakdown with
temperature tracking.)
10. Extension of the automatic function control (cable tests,
11. LaserFrequenceMode for changing the laser frequency rate
introduced; the LaserFrequenceMode (LFM) can be set in
ServiceMode via RS485 and the web interface.
Sep 2018
1. Firmware also runs with older hardware / FPGA (version-
dependent handling of laser status messages)
Nov. 2018
1. Transmission of the automatic telegram via LAN is possible
(LanTransferMode == 1 (auto))
2. Renaming the setting LanTelegramMode to
LanTelegramNumber (LTN)
3. Introducing the button SystemStatusMode (SSM) for the used
status code type in the telegrams (0 = normal; 1 = escalating)
(default value 1)
4. Writing of additional information in chmsettings.txt (MAC
address, serial number CPU, overlap information, mainboard-
and CPU version) when downloading
“Process Warning” tab renamed to “Process Status”
6. Display of NTP
status in “Process Status” tab if NtpMode is 1;
accessibility of NTP server (part of NTP status) can be
queried via RS485 (NtpStatus (NST)))
7. CloudDetectionMode bit 2 for cloud and MXD detection on
base line compensated signal
8. Window reflex correction is performed on raw data; new
NetCDF variable ‘win_param’ for the scaling factor of the
window correction
9. Change in NetCDF: adapting the scale_factor for the variable
voltage_det (0.01->0.1, Avoid overflow with voltages greater
than 327.67 V)
10. No data processing delay during download of several NetCDF
files via the web interface
11. Web: New logo; CHM serial number and favicon in browser
12. Scaling corrected for the web viewer tab
13. Mainboard fan can be switched on over RS485 temporarily
(ToggleMainboardFan (TMF)); status is reported in NetCDF
and telegram
Sep 2019