Operating Manual
G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH, Fellbach, Germany
6.2.2 Configuration of ARS31-UMB
After loading an ARS31-UMB configuration, all relevant settings and values can be
If several ARS31-UMB devices are operated on a UMB network, the ID must be changed
before connection to the network, as each device requires a unique ID. IDs are allocated in
ascending order, beginning with number one.
The measuring rate indicates how often a new measuring cycle is started. This value is
configurable and can be set to 20, 30 or 60 minutes (factory settings: 20 min.)
If there is no freezing temperature / salt concentration detected in a measuring cycle the
last identified freezing temperature will be delivered for the following 40 minutes (default:
– interval can be adjusted). During this interval the freezing temperature can only move
to 0 if the sensor definitely detects clear water on the road. The interval for maintaining the
freezing temperature can be configured in the UMB-Config-Tool and can adopt values
between 20 and 120 minutes (default 40 minutes). The function can be deactivated by
unticking the option “FT data hold active”.
With the option "FT smoothing operator active", a smoothing function for the freezing
temperature can be activated. The operator itself can be set between 0 (maximum
smoothing, no change in the FT) and 100 (no smoothing). After activating this function a
start value of 40 is set for the smoothing operator. This value can be adjusted if necessary.
Freezing temperature is detected when road temperatures are lower than the road
temperature threshold. If the road temperature is higher than this threshold, freezing
temperature is not detected. The threshold value is adjustable between 2°C and 10°C.
The dry threshold defines the measured value on the ARS31-UMB from which a dry road
is assumed and the freezing temperature is no longer measured.
If this value is too high, the ARS31-UMB measures during dry conditions, which may lead
to incorrect measurements caused by condensation on the sensor element.
In the UMB-Config-Tool the temperature limit of the freezing temperature can be adjusted
if necessary (factory setting: 0, this means no limit for freezing temperature).
After the activation of the freezing temperature limit, the smoothed freezing temperature
can be transitional-wise under the temperature limit (if the freezing temperature directly
before the change was under the opposed limit).