Stinger® ADSL 48-Port Annex C LIM Guide
Configuring an ADSL 48-Port Annex C
Line Interface Module (LIM)
The Stinger ADSL 48-port Annex C Line Interface Module (LIM) provides 48 asymmetric
digital subscriber line (ADSL) interfaces that support high-speed, asymmetric data transfer.
The module supports the ITU G.992.1, G.992.2, G.994.1, and G.997.1 protocols.
The ADSL 48-port Annex C LIM, product code STGR-LIM-AC-48, supports Annex C in the
Stinger LS chassis only.
The ADSL 48-port Annex C LIM is designed to be used in a Stinger unit that is
equipped with the model A-J control module (STGR-CM-A-J). The A-J control module
supplies the 400Hz clock required by Annex C ADSL. The model A-J control module operates
only with the Stinger LS unit, model STGRLS-1-J or STGRLS-2-J.
Installing an ADSL 48-port Annex C LIM
The ADSL 48-port Annex C LIM is installed in a Stinger unit in the same manner as any other
LIM. See the Getting Started Guide for your unit for details. After installation, configure the
module following the instructions in this document.
Module specifications
The specifications for the ADSL 48-port Annex C LIM are as follows:
Physical dimensions
Height: 15 inches (38.1cm)
Width: 1.06 inches (2.69cm)
Depth: 9 inches (22.8cm)
Weight: 4.0 pounds (1.8kg)
Power requirements
84 W (typical).