Link Pass Through (LPT)
The Ethernet interface supports Link Pass Through mode. The Ethernet port transmitter
is disabled in case of failures in the upstream network. For example, a remote Ethernet
cable or optic fiber failure, an SDH/SONET network failure or any equipment failure.
The downstream equipment, a LambdaRouter or an IP router, will observe the absence
of the Ethernet input signal and use it as a fast trigger to perform its native protection
scheme. The remote failures are transported in-band via the GFP-Client Signal Fail
message. The LPT is only supported on ports that operate in a one-to-one association
with a WAN port. The option cards EPL4_E14, EPL4_E132_75, and ESW4_E14
support the LPT mode.
Issue 4, November 2006
Lucent Technologies - Proprietary
See notice on first page