You can set up a conference call that includes up to two
To set up a conference call:
people in the MERLIN Plus system, two people-from
To set up a call when one of the people is already on
outside the system, and yourself. People connected to
the line, touch Conference.
the MERLIN Plus system can bridge onto an outside line
Touch an outside line button.
that is active on a conference call.
Dial the outside telephone number of the person.
you’re adding to the call.
Take the appropriate action:
– If the person answers, begin the conversation.
– If the person doesn’t answer, touch Drop, and
repeat steps 1 through 3 to add another person.
To leave and reenter a conference call:
Touch Hold to remove yourself from the call.
To rejoin the call, touch Speakerphone or lift the
handset and touch one of the line buttons associated
with the call.