MAX 3000 Installation and Basic Configuration Guide
MAX User Interfaces
Using command-line-interface (CLI) tools
Managing calls
The DO commands summarized in Table 3-5 are for call management.
Using command-line-interface (CLI) tools
TAOS includes two CLI-based tools, both accessed from VT100 menus. The CLIs each
include a variety of commands that are not included in the menus (although a small set of
commands appear in menus as well as the CLIs). The terminal server has commands for
managing the MAX, monitoring networks, and initiating connections. The Diagnostic-mode
CLI has commands for managing and troubleshooting.
Using the terminal-server CLI
The terminal server has commands for initiating sessions, testing connections, performing
remote management, monitoring and establishing routes, and other functions. Terminal-server
commands and their usage are summarized and described briefly in this section.
For more information about customizing the terminal server for your use and using it for
system management, see the Administration Guide. For information about configuring specific
connection types, see the Network Configuration Guide. For reference-style information about
specific commands, see the MAX Reference.
Termserv (DO E)
Accesses the terminal-server interface, which provides
access to many management commands. The termi-
nal-server interface is described in “Using the termi-
nal-server CLI” on page 3-12.
Toggle (DO T)
Toggles the palmtop-controller.
Table 3-4. DO menu commands for testing and troubleshooting (continued)
DO menu command
Table 3-5. DO menu commands for call management
Answer (DO 3)
Answer an incoming call.
Contract BW (DO 5)
Decrease bandwidth.
Dial (DO 1)
Dial the selected or current profile.
Extend BW (DO 4)
Increase bandwidth.
Hang Up (DO 2)
Hang up from a call in progress.
Resynchronize (DO R)
Resynchronize a call in progress.