P A D - C L I M A T E - S Y S T E M
Assembly instruction and operators manual
Electrical system
Always isolate the power supply before working on
the electrical system.
All tasks extending beyond the framework of system maintenance may only be car-
ried out by qualified personnel.
Always isolate the power supply when working on the device and secure against un-
authorised reactivation by another person. Examine electrical cables for visible dam-
age prior to commissioning. Replace any damaged lines before putting the device in-
to operation. Damaged or destroyed plug devices must be replaced by a qualified
electrician. Do not remove plugs from sockets by pulling the cable. Covering electri-
cal components can give rise to heat concentration with high temperatures which can
in turn destroy the equipment and cause fires.
Assembly information
Please read the following pages carefully. The instructions in this manual apply for
various Pad-Climate-Systems. For this reason, we would ask you to select and apply
the sections which concern you.
When using this manual for LUBING standard versions, please note all alterations to
and/or deviations from the scope of your supply.
Pad location in building
For poultry or livestock applications, the top of the Pads should be at the highest lev-
el at which cooling is desired. The Pads should be located on one end of the building
except in cases where the resulting air velocity exceeds the comfort level for the an-
imals being housed. In these cases, the Pads should be on both sides at both ends
of the house, with the fans on both sides in the middle. See figure 1.
Many other designs are acceptable.