background image


Signal System

Sync. System

Sensing Area

Horizontal Resolution

OSD Menu

Video Output 

Shutter Speed

Infrared Lamps

Mimimum Illumination

IR Radiation Distance

Built-in Lens

Working Temperature

Storage Temperature

Power Requirement

1/2.8'' Mega Pixel Sensor


Internal Sync.

Support (Sense-up / 2D DNR,

3D DNR / Digital Zoom / ...ect. functions)



More than 50dB (AGC OFF)

Night/Day     ON/OFF

0 Lux(Infrared Lamps Turn on)


3.6/2.8~12mm Mega Pixel Lens





PAL:1920X1080P 25F/S  
NTSC:1920X1080P 30F/S

The content of this manual is subject to change without notice.

Effective Pixels

2.0 Mega Pixels

S/N Ratio

White Balance

Auto Tracking White Balance





DC12V Max Power Consumption Less Than 5W
(when the infrared lamps turn on)

   IR SMART: smart IR function settings, ON/OFF selectable. 


LEVEL: adjust IR SMART level from 0-15.



AREA: Choose IR SMART area.



RETURN: return to the upper menu.

   RETURN: return to upper menu.




Digital noise reduction setting.

2D-NR: 2D noise reduction settings, ON/OFF selectable.

3D-NR: 3D noise reduction settings, ON/OFF selectable.


SMART NR:ON/OFF  selectable, select ON  and press MENU to 

enter the submenu to adjust its sensitivity.

LEVEL: adjust the sensitivity of noise reduction, it is selectable 

from 0-100.


SMART. AGC: adjust noise reduction starting at level from 0-


END. AGC: adjust noise reduction ending at level from 0-100.


RETURN: return to upper menu.

RETURN: return to upper menu.

7.     SPECIAL:

 the special functions settings

1) CAM TITLE: camera name settings, ON/OFF selectable.   
    Press the MENU button to enter ON sub-menu, then press 
LEFT/RIGHT or LEFT/RIGHT to move cursor to target character, 
press MENU button to select character, move cursor to END to 
return to upper menu.
2) D-EFFECT: other functions settings.



FREEZE: freeze function, ON/OFF selectable.





D-ZOOM: digital zooming function,  ON/OFF selectable. If turn 

the digital zooming ON, then could enter submenu for digital 

D-ZOOM: digital zoom level is selectable from x2.0 - x62


PAN&TILT: use UP/DOWN or LEFT/RIGHT to set digital zoom 


DEFAULT: reset D-ZOOM option to default settings.


RETURN: return to upper menu.




SELECT:  select digital zooming are  settings.4 areas 


DISPLAY: digital zooming area display settings. ON/OFF 


SENSITIVITY: adjust digital zooming area sensitivity.


D-ZOOM:digital zoom level is selectable from x2.0 - x64


TIME: zooming area display time settings.0-15 second 



DEFAULT: reset to SMART D-ZOOM default settings


RETURN: return to upper menu.    


NEG.IMAGE: negative image function settings, ON/OFF 



DIS:not available.


RETURN: return to upper menu.

3) MOTION: motion detection function settings, ON/OFF 
    selectable. If turn the MOTION function ON, then could enter    
    the submenu to set.

 SELECT: detection areas settings, 4 areas are selectable.


 DISPLAY: setting to turn on or turn off the MOTION function on 

the selected area; adjust sizes of the selected area. 

 SENSITIVITY: adjust the sensitivity of motion detection, it is 

selectable from 0-60.

 MOTION VIEW: the prompt function on the screen when some 

moving objects are detected, ON/OFF selectable.

 DEFAULT: reset MOTION options to default settings.


 RETURN: return to upper menu.

4) PRIVACY: private protection area settings, ON/OFF selectable. 
If turn the PRIVACY function ON, then could enter the submenu 
to set.

SELECT to set the privacy protection areas, 1-8 areas are 


 DISPLAY: privacy areas display settings. 

COLOR/MOSAIC/INV/OFF selectable. it is can adjust the position 
and shape of the privacy area in COLOR, MOSAIC and INV.

 COLOR: setting the color on the privacy protection area, 1-16 

colors are selectable.

 TRANS: choose to change the transparency on the privacy 

protection area, 5 levels are selectable.

 DEFAULT: reset PRIVACY option to default settings.

 RETURN: return to upper menu.

5) LANGUAGE: language settings, support 17 languages. E.g., 

6) DEFECT: dead pixel correction function.

 LIVE DPC: live dead pixel correction function. ON/AUTO/OFF 

selectable. Select ON  and press MENU to enter the submenu


 LEVEL: setting sensitivity of live dead pixel correction, it is 

selectable from 0-100.

 RETURN: return to upper menu.

 STATIC DPC: static dead pixel correction function, ON/OFF 

selectable. Select ON  and press MENU to enter the submenu


START: open static DPC function 


 LEVEL: adjust sensitivity of static dead pixel correction, it is 

selectable from 0-60

 SENS-UP:X2-X30 selectable


 AGC:Auto Gain Control,0-8 levels selectable.


 RERTURN: return to the upper menu.

7)RS485:RS485 communication settings.

 CAM ID: camera ID settings,0-255 for selectable.


 ID DISPLAY: camera ID display settings, ON/OFF selectable.


 BAUDRATE: baudrate settings. E.g., 2400/ 4800/ 9600/ 19200/ 



 RETURN: return to the upper menu.

8) VERSION: display software version information.
9) RETURN: return to upper menu.




Setting other image functions.
1) SHARPNESS: setting the sharpness, it is adjustable from 0-15.
2) MONITOR: select the monitor to display image, LCD/CRT are  


 GAMMNA: setting the output GAMMNA characteristic, 

Auto/User/User+Y/0.45-1.00 selectable.

 ADAPT. LEVEL: adjust LCD monitor brightness levels. 0-100 levels 


 BLUE GAIN: blue gain settings, it is adjustable from 0-100.

 RED GAIN: red gain settings, it is adjustable from 0-100.

 RETURN: return to upper menu.


 BLACK LEVEL: adjust black level, it is adjustable from -30-50.

 BLUE GAIN: adjust blue gain, it is adjustable from -30-50.

 RED GAIN: adjust red gain, it is adjustable from -30-50.

 RETURN: return to upper menu.

4) LSC: Lens Edge Correction settings, ON/OFF Selectable.
5) VIDEO OUT: Signal System settings, NTSC/PAL Selectable.
6) RETURN: Return to upper Menu.

9.     RESET: 

1)FACTORY: Choose this option to reset camera to factory default 
settings or save the changed settings.  
2)RETURN:Return to upper Menu.

10.     EXIT: 

Exit the OSD Menu.
