[Dialog Box Description]
Connect to following
IP Address(a)
The inputted IP Address’s XGT Panel is connected. Input an accurate IP Address.
Request control
authority after
Obtaining the control right is attempted automatically after connecting with the XGT
Panel. If the XGT Panel does not allow the control right, that attempt might be
turned into failure.
XGT Panels are searched and selected on the network.
Connect (d)
A project is generated after connecting with the XGT Panel
Scan XGT Panel(e)
A list of XGT Panels that respond on the network is displayed. IP Address and
status information are displayed.
(1) In case that communication with the XGT Panel is failed, the following message will appear. Check
communication errors and attempt reconnection.
(2) For detailed solutions in case of communication failure, refer to “Annex 1 Problem Solving”