User manual
Pag. 4 / 17
The LSI LASTEM thermohygrometers featured in this manual are sensors designed even for meteorological
applications. Precise and reliable, this sensor is suitable for continuous meteorological measurements also in
severe environments and in presence of steep thermal and hygrometric variations.
DMA672.1, DMA672.4, DMA672.5 temperature output is Pt100 element and 0÷1 Vdc output for RH%.
DMA672.3 output is 0÷1 Vdc for both Temperature and RH%. DMA672.3 is very suitable for tropical weather
in continuous high temperature and RH conditions. For outdoor application it should be coupled with a anti-
radiant shield.
DMA875 and DMA975 are equipped with a high efficiency natural ventilation anti-radiant shield (with special
black painting on the lower surface of the plates) ensures that the sensing element is protected by sun rays
for accurate air temperature readings. Output of the models DMA975 is RS485 using Modbus RTU® or TTY-
ASCII protocols.
For even better results in low wind and high solar radiation conditions, model DMA867 is equipped with a
forced ventilation shield.
EXP815 model is equipped with an internal radio to send measurement up to 600 m far to data logger
equipped with radio receiver.