How-To Document
Updated on:
By:Christopher Ware
Page 4 of 13
With the T20 torque wrench, loosen and remove the three (3) T20 screws which mount the head
unit to the base unit.
Note: If you loosen the very top and very bottom screw along the left side, it will allow the spindle motor
to slip up and down.
k. Pull the machine head towards you to separate it form the Z axis slide.
4. Mounting the new machine head
a. Place the head unit into position on the z axis slide.
i. There are two guide pins on the back of the machine head that will fit into holes on the
base unit.
b. Insert and tighten the three (3) T20 torque screws.
c. Loosen and remove the two (2) T10 torque screws on the spindle control board cover as you did
for the old machine head.
d. Place the cable chain into position.
e. Insert and tighten the two (2) Phillips screws to hold the cable chain in position.
Connect the multi-colored ribbon cable to the white connector on the spindle control board.
g. Attach the grounding strap from the cable chain and the strap from the spindle control board, to the
motor block with the T10 torque screws.