L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
6.2.9 CEA-709 Configuration
The CEA-709 protocol can be enabled on the device’s ports Port1, Port2, etc. if available.
To enable it, click the
radio button as shown in Figure 63. Note, that depending
on the device model, other protocols on the same port will be disabled in this case. The
protocol settings box on the right-hand side displays the current transceiver settings.
Figure 63: CEA-709 Configuration Page.
6.2.10 CEA-852 Device Configuration
The CEA-852 protocol is only available on the Ethernet port. To enable CEA-852 on the
device, select the
CEA-709 over IP (CEA-852)
checkbox on the
tab of the port
configuration page.
The CEA-852 protocol settings are displayed in the settings box on the right-hand side as
shown in Figure 64. Typically, the device is added to an IP channel by entering the relevant
information on a configuration server. The configuration server then contacts the CEA-852
device of the L-IP and sends its configuration.
Figure 64: CEA-852 Device Configuration Page.
The field
Config server address
Config server port
display the IP address and port of
the configuration server, which manages the L-IP and the IP channel. The field
client port
represents the IP port of the device’s CEA-852 device. This setting should be
left at its default (1628) unless there are more than one CEA-852 devices operating behind a
single NAT router. Please refer to Section 7.3 to learn more about NAT configuration.
In the field
Device name
the user can enter a descriptive name for the L-IP, which will
appear in the IP channel to identify this device. You can enter a device name with up to 15
characters. It is recommended to use unique device names throughout the IP channel.