L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Configuration Server menu (see Section 6.2.13). This ensures that no unwanted device can
join the IP-852 channel.
Note that also
1000/600, VNI and LOYTEC NIC852 based network nodes (e.g.,
LonMaker or NL-220 applications) can join the IP-852 channel managed by the
configuration server. Note that the built-in configuration server should be used if LOYTEC
CEA-852 devices are communicating across firewalls/NAT routers.
For adding multiple devices behind a NAT router, the configuration server supports the
extended NAT mode (see Section 7.3.2). The configuration server automatically switches
the channel mode to extended NAT if needed. Note that the
600 must be configured
with the
CS to extended NAT mode before adding the
600 to the
configuration server, because the
600 does not switch to that mode automatically. Using the i.LON Configuration Server
The L-IP can be used with the i.LON Configuration Server utility. If the L-IPs are
communicating across firewalls/NAT routers or if MD5 authentication is enabled on the
L-IP, the i.LON Configuration Server utility version 2.00.24 and up must be used. The
configuration server channel mode must be set to “Standard CEA-852”. Note that this mode
does not support i.LON 1000 and LNS 3.0 VNI. However, LNS 3.0 applications (e.g.
LonMaker) can use MD5 authentication and the NAT feature in standard mode when using
the LOYTEC NIC852 legacy driver.
The i.LON configuration server utility version 2.00.24 and up also supports the extended
NAT mode (see Section 7.3.2) to add more than one device behind a NAT router. The L-IP
can be used with the i.LON configuration server in this mode. Note, that the i.LON
configuration server channel mode needs to be manually switched to “Extended NAT”
If the L-IP is used behind a NAT router with the i.LON configuration server, the Auto-NAT
feature must be disabled and the correct NAT address must be entered manually.
7.3 Firewall and NAT Router Configuration
The L-IP can be used behind a firewall and/or NAT (Network Address Translation) router
as shown in Figure 85. Note, that in general, only one CEA-852 device can be used behind
the NAT router. This mode of operation is referred to as “Standard” channel mode. It is
fully compliant with CEA-852.
LOYTEC’s newer devices such as the L-IP and the L-INX family support more than one
CEA-852 channel member behind a NAT router. This mode of operation is referred to as
“Extended NAT” channel mode. This mode introduces extensions to the standard mode
which need to be supported by all members. Other devices supporting the extended NAT
mode are the
600. See Section on compatibility with the
7.3.1 Automatic NAT Configuration
In order to use the L-IP behind a firewall the public NAT address and the local IP address
must be set in the IP configuration menu (see Section 5.5.1). By default the NAT address is
determined automatically when adding the L-IP to the channel in the configuration server.
Alternatively, the NAT address can be configured manually. Furthermore the NAT router
must be configured to forward ports 1628 and 1629 for UDP and TCP packets to the private
IP address of the L-IP ( in Figure 85). In summary we can say the following
parameters must be set in order to operate an L-IP behind a NAT router.
Specify the IP address (private IP address:,