L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Redundant router monitoring parameters can be configured using the L-IP Redundant plug-
in (see Section 9.5.7) or the web interface (see Section 9.6.5).
The current router state can be determined via network variables (see Section 9.7), in the
L-IP Redundant plug-in (see Section 9.5.3), and in the web interface (see Section 9.6.1).
9.2.3 Device and Network Monitoring
In addition to its redundancy functions the L-IP Redundant performs a couple of monitoring
tasks. First a couple of channel quality parameters (e.g. bandwidth utilization, CRC error
rate, etc.) are permanently monitored and their current values are provided as network
variable (see Section 9.7), in the L-IP Redundant plug-in (see Section 9.5.4), and in the web
interface (see Section 9.6.1).
Secondly the L-IP Redundant can be used to monitor other nodes in the network. For this
purpose a list of nodes can be entered using the L-IP Redundant plug-in (see Section 9.5.6)
or the web interface (see Section 9.6.4). If node monitoring is enabled, the L-IP Redundant
periodically pings the nodes in this list using a Query Status network diagnostic request. If a
node is not reachable or (soft) offline an alarm is issued. Further, the state of each node can
be determined via a network variable (see Section 9.7), in the L-IP Redundant plug-in (see
Section 9.5.3), and in the web interface (see Section 9.6.1). In addition the web interface
shows detailed statistic information for each node (e.g. number of CRC errors).
If bus loop monitoring is enabled (see Section 9.2.1) the L-IP Redundant also determines
from which loop port each node is reachable (both ports, loop port 1 only, or loop port 2
only). Thus, if the nodes were entered in the order they are connected to the bus this allows
the L-IP Redundant to determine the exact location of a cable fracture by finding the last
node reachable from port 1 and the last one reaching from port 2. This information is also
provided to the user via network variables, in the L-IP Redundant plug-in, and in the web
9.3 The L-IP Redundant in a Network
As shown in Figure 100 the L-IP Redundant internally consists of a standard CEA-709
router and a diagnostic node. The router routes packets between the CEA-709 and the
IP-852 channels, while the diagnostic node performs monitoring tasks (e.g. node
monitoring) and offers network variables to show the results of these diagnostics.
Figure 100: Internal structure of the L-IP Redundant