L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
On structured NVs two tasks must be performed by the Technology Converters.
First the structure of the NV is mapped to IEC61131 conform data types. Second,
if necessary scaling factors are applied. Similar to the Enumeration Converters, the
Technology Converters are split up into two subfolders. The first one, which
converts the NV into IEC61131 compliant data types, is located in the folder
From_CEA709_Types. Technology Converters to set up NVs based on IEC61131
data types are grouped in the folder To_CEA709_Types.
Figure 209 shows the three possibilities how to use NVs within an IEC61131 program.
Figure 209: Usage of NVs
If a structured NV comprises enumerations types, these enumerations are not split up by the
Technology Converter. To get the value of the enumeration, connect an Enumeration
Converter to the corresponding output of the Technology Converter.
For every Technology Converter and Enumeration Converter an online help window,
displaying the interface description is available. Select the Technology Converter and press
F1 to get the interface description.
12.4.4 IEC61131 Program Cycle Time
IEC61131 programs are performed in a periodical manner. IEC61131 tasks are used do
control the execution of an IEC61131 program. As shown in Figure 206 several default
tasks are defined within the template project. Right click on the clock symbol and select
properties to change the cycle time of the task.
As described in section 12.4 a program instance is required to execute the IEC61131
program. The cycle time of the IEC61131 program is controlled by the task assigned to the
program instance. In order to change the cycle time right click on the program instance and
select properties. In the upcoming window the task assignment for the selected program
type can be changed, see Figure 210.
Figure 210: Task assignment
Please take care when defining names for the tasks. The names displayed in the project view
are symbolic names, they do not correspond to the settings for the cycle time, even if the
LINX-110 template project use the configured cycle time as task name.