L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
If there is an IEC61131 program attached to the project, every time a new configuration is
downloaded to the device, the L-INX Configurator asks, if the attached program should be
downloaded as well. This way, no logiCAD is required to download a suitable IEC61131
program in a separate step. The project designed in the L-INX Configurator can hold all
necessary information to set up a running device:
IEC61131 data point configuration,
Data point configuration in the LINX,
Required connections,
IEC61131 program.
The logiCAD project directory can also be attached to the L-INX configuration file, in
order to include the logiCAD project sources from which the program was compiled.
Figure 203: IEC61131 Project Files.
To attach an IEC61131 program or a logiCAD project select the file/folder to attach. The
selected data will be attached automatically the project. It can be restored to disk by
pressing the
Restore to Disk
button. During the development process the attached data may
change several times. To update the attached data, located on the before provided path,
press the
Every time a logiCAD project is successfully compiled, the file MBRTCode.so, the
compiled IEC61131 program, is copied to the
directory of the device resource for
which the program was compiled. Select this file to attach it to the project of the
Configurator. Note that the time and date of the file indicates the time of the last code
generation. If logiCAD is not able to build a new program, the old file will not be deleted.
To help you find the correct program file, set the path to the logiCAD project in the project
settings dialog (on the tab called logiCAD). The project will be scanned for device
resources and the available devices will be listed in the dropdown box called
. Select the desired device and press the button
Attach Program
to automatically
attach the correct MBRTCode.so file.
12.4 Working with logiCAD
A short, straight forward introduction in logiCAD was already provided in the Quick Start
Section (Section 2.5). This section provides all necessary background information how to
use the L-INX with logiCAD.