patients. These belts are however also available in
special sizes.
Overstretching of the belts may result in poor signals
and possible loss of data.
3.1.6. Sensor for body position
The position sensor integrated in the MiniScreen unit
displays information related to the patient’s body
position during the study.
For accurate determination of body position, ensure
the MiniScreen is applied to the patient correctly. The
body positions detected are: Supine, Prone, Left
side, Right side, Upright.
3.1.7. Sensor for leg movement
To diagnose restless or periodic leg movements
(restless leg), the MiniScreen can be equipped with a
leg sensor and internal recording software (optional).
The device then enables continuous recording of leg
movements and associated analysis results in the
Attaching the leg sensor:
The RLS sensor is attached to the leg using the
Velcro wrist band. The sensor should be positioned
approximately 10 cm below the knee joint, lateral to
the shin bone.
Since the leg sensor detects muscle movements,
ensure that the sensor is placed on the muscle and
not the shin bone!
safety plugs of the sensor have to
be plugged into the
sockets of the
splitter box.
3.1.8. Sensor for ECG
The supplied ECG cable (optional) is compatible with
all commonly available adhesive electrodes and can
be used as consumables.
Attaching the ECG electrodes:
The yellow, green and white safety plugs have to be
plugged into the yellow, green and white socket of
the splitter box.
The ECG is not suitable for a differential
cardiac diagnosis!
3.1.9. Sensor for Neuroport
The Neuroport signal is obtained via the supplied
EEG cable (optional, MiniScreen plus only). We
recommend special 3-part EEG electrode strips as
The 3 part EEG electrode strip needs to be applied to
the forehead. Before applying the electrode the
forehead must be cleaned with a sterile solution. A
movement of the electrode during the study.
marked connecting plug of the EEG
electrode cable needs to be plugged into the
socket on the MiniScreen plus unit.
3.2. Preparing for measurement (ambulatory)
In preparation of an ambulatory study where the
patient will use the device at home, please ensure
the following:
1. Charge the battery: see Page 7.
2. Start the MiniScreen software on the PC.
3. Fill out the fields relating to personal data of the
patient in the menu item ”Record / Initialize
device (Offline)“ and start the transfer.
4. Connect the MiniScreen with the USB interface
cable. For testing purposes, both LEDs will light
up initially. The red LED will then go off. The
green LED on the MiniScreen unit will remain lit
for the duration of the initialization process.
5. A dialogue window will be displayed in order for
the operator to determine the start time for
recording. Once confirmed the unit can then be
disconnected from the PC.
: (remove cable
by pulling on the plug -
on the cable).
6. The MiniScreen unit is now ready for use. The
unit will now rest in stand-by mode until the
selected Start Time of the recording. The unit
will then automatically switch on and start
recording data.
3.3. Operating elements of the device
The MiniScreen device will automatically switch on /
off when connected / disconnected to a PC. The
device has an internal clock for timer recording. If the
timer has been programmed, recording will start
automatically at the predetermined time. Up to eight
recordings can be programmed.
Note: If necessary the MiniScreen can be switched
on by the patient before the selected Start Time by
pressing and holding the Start button for one second.
By pressing the start button (longer than 7 seconds),
the device can be switched off by the patient.
The charging condition of the units battery can be
displayed by pressing the "Akku" button on top of the
Attention: This function will only work when the
device is switched off and disconnected from the PC.
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