PC Communication Installation
Interconnect Cables between the PC and the VersaJet LCs.
Default setup is RS232. RS232 connection is a point to point connection where only one COM
port may be connected to one VersaJet. A maximum cable length is 300 feet using Braided
Shield Extended Quite Cable.
VersaJet DB9
2 (RXD)
3 (TXD)
2 (TX)
3 (TXD)
2 (RXD)
3 (RX)
5 (GND)
7 (GND)
5 (Ground)
Some RS232 boards have different pinouts, review hardware provided documentation.
If RS232 is used only one unit can be connected to a Windows computer using multitasking.
Only one VersaJet can be connected to one RS232 system at one time. If more units have to be
connected or if the cable length is longer that 300 feet, RS422 must be used. RS422 allows for
up to 32 VersaJet units to be connected to each COM port.
RS422 connection is a multi drop connection. The PC is the master and the VersaJets are the
slaves to it. A maximum cable length if 1000 feet.
A RS422 unit is indicated by the serial number and two Interface connector on the Right Bottom
of the unit. Switching from RS232 to RS422 requires a few cable and jumper changes.
RS232 connection is on the Right internal driver board RS2 labeled RS232. On the Left is RS7
labeled RS422. Change this ribbon cable connection. It is selected by 3pin of RS6 from the
two right pins to the two left pins. The last unit must only have pull up resistors on it therefore
remove RS4 and RS5 jumper if not the last unit. This is the only two jumpers visable on the
board facing up. Now the connector is specified below:
From Master (PC) to Slave (VJ)
TXD(PC) (H or +) to RXD (H or +)
TXD(PC) (L or -) to RXD (L or -)
RXD(PC) (H or +) to TXD (H or +)
RXD(PC) (L or -) to TXD (L or -)
Ground(PC) to Ground(VJ) pin 5
Shield(PC) to Shield(VJ)
Pin Signal Name Type VersaJet Signals
1 RS485 TX- Output
2 RS485 RX+ Input
3 RS485 RX- Input
5 DC Ground Ground
9 RS485 TX+ Output
Each RS485 board has different pinouts, review hardware provided documentation.
The provided RS485 board may or may not require terminator resistor or jumper change.
From each VersaJet unit to next VersaJet unit is:
1 - 1 (TX-) 2 - 2 (RX+)
3 - 3 (RX-) 5 - 5 (Grounds)
9 - 9 (TX+) Shield to Shield
These VersaJet unit are slaved to the PC master computer and therefore have all their signals
connected to each other.
See page 24 to set the Net ID under the Other Menu, each unit must have a unique ID.