All the soft starters ADXN integrate the protection against overtemperature, measured by an integrated temperature sensor.
The versions provided with NFC connectivity (ADXNF and ADXNP) provides additional functions dedicated to the protection of the motor and the soft starter itself, some of which are programmable.
The following table summarizes the protections available in the different versions and their associated parameters and alarms.
For information about the configuration of the protection thresholds and tripping delays of the soft starters type ADXNF and ADXNP please refer to the menu M03 PROTECTIONS.
To enable phase sequence control on basic soft starters type ADXNB follow the procedure below.
Enabling of the phase sequence control:
as soon as the soft starter is powered up, when the LEDs have stopped flashing, turn quickly the central potentiometer (acceleration ramp) to the maximum value of its
scale (20), then turn it to the minimum value (1) and then again to the maximum value (20) and then to minimum value (1).
After this operation, the activation of the phase sequence control is signaled by a short flash of the green LED RUN (~1 second). Now set the desired acceleration ramp time with the dedicated potentiometer
‘acceleration ramp’.
Disabling of the phase sequence control:
repeat the same procedure followed for the activation of the phase sequence control: as soon as the soft starter is powered up, when the LEDs have stopped flashing,
turn quickly the central potentiometer (acceleration ramp) to the maximum value of its scale (20), then turn it to the minimum value (1) and then again to the maximum value (20) and then to minimum value (1).
After this operation, the de-activation of the phase sequence control is signaled by a short flash of the red LED ALARM (~1 second). Now set the desired acceleration ramp time with the dedicated potentiometer
‘acceleration ramp’.
The advanced soft starter type ADXNP is provided with electronic current thermal overload protection of the motor, programmable with the menu M03 PROTECTIONS.
– The electronic thermal overload protection (if enabled with parameter P03.09=ON) trips when the motor thermal status overcomes the limit of the set thermal overload class, with consequent trip of the alarm A10
Motor thermal overload protection.
– The tripping delays may vary according to the overload current and are defined in the charts illustrated below.
– The curves for the various charts refer to the thermal protection class selected with parameters P03.10 (starting thermal protection class) and P03.11 (running thermal protection class), configurable between the
class 10, 15, 20 and 25.
– The cold trip curves indicate the trip delay starting from thermal status 0%, while the hot trip curves start from thermal status 100% (motor running stably at rated current and voltage).
– With the motor stopped, the motor thermal status will tend to zero in a set time which depends on the configured thermal protection class.
– The motor thermal overload protection alarm can be reset when the motor thermal status falls to or below the value of P03.12 (motor thermal overload protection reset), which has a default value of 120%. This
value can be modified for specific needs, without changing the trip delay in any way.
Line voltage not present MOT – A01
Phase loss MOT – A02
Wrong phase sequence MOT P03.01 A03
Frequency out of limits MOT – A04
Voltage out of limits MOT P03.02-P03.03-P03.04-P03.05 A05 –
Soft starter thermal protection (overtemperature) STA – A06
Temperature sensor fault STA – A07
Bypass relay fault STA – A08
System error STA – A09
Motor current thermal overload protection MOT P03.09-P03.10-P03.11-P03.12 A10 – –
Overcurrent MOT-STA – A11 – –
Locked rotor MOT-STA – A12 – –
Load too low MOT P03.13-P03.14 A13 – –
Current asymmetry MOT P03.18-P03.19 A14 – –
Starting time too long MOT P03.17 A15 – –
Phase shorted STA – A16 – –
For information about the meaning and causes of the alarms see the chapter 10 ALARMS.
(*) To enable the phase sequence control (disabled as default) on the basic version ADXNB see the chapter 7.1.
The soft starter thermal protection is realized by monitoring the temperature of the internal thyristors with a built-in analog sensor. At the reaching of the maximum temperature there is the trip of the alarm A06 Soft
starter thermal protection. The alarm resets automatically when the soft starter returns to an acceptable temperature.
Cold trip curves
Hot trip curves